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DIY Conveyance - Is it Possible?

In this modern era of convenience shopping, buying a house is probably the most longwinded purchase you'll ever make. One of the major time eaters of the whole house buying procedure is the conveyancing process, which is the transfer of ownership of real estate from one person to another. It may sound like a very simple process but it can easily take two or even three months to complete.

As it a legal process, a large majority of people employ the use of a solicitor or licensed conveyor to carry out all the legal work. The conveyancing process begins in earnest once an offer has been made and accepted on a property and both parties have exchanged details of their solicitors. However, even once you have accepted the offer, you must remember that it has been made subject to contract and survey. Your solicitor then liaises with the other solicitor at what appears to be a snails pace to complete the legal documentation that is required in transferring ownership. As the process can be very slow it can become very costly, so many people are now making the decision to do their own conveyancing. However conveyance is one of the areas of the property transaction that is the riskiest, most labour intensive, and filled with a vast amount of legalese (legal jargon). But you will find that doing it yourself will save you hundreds of pounds, as there will be no fees to pay, no mark ups or VAT on any disbursements that you may have to pay to a legal professional..

If you do some research before hand it can be beneficial because it can help you have better knowledge of the whole process of conveyance. The main benefit of doing your own conveyance is that you maybe able to do it much quicker if you devote the sole of your time to it.

However not everyone should rush out and do their own coveyancing, this is because it is very complicated and you need to be confident in your ability of not to make a mess of it, as you could face severe penalties for any mistakes. Also make sure that you do not miss any thing from the list of activities that a solicitor would normally do. If you do everything in a sequence and in plenty of time it should be fine.

The main problem that you are likely to face would be the lease and the contract. This is because it is the part where the solicitor would draw on their expertise on the process. So you need to careful and attentive and thorough in all your dealings with these documents. Also make sure you understand all the terms and conditions and the implications of all the clauses. Keep checking everything you have done and make sure everything is spelled correctly.

Even when you are sure you have done everything, it may still be worth getting a solicitor to give your work the once over and to ensure you haven't missed anything important or made a huge blazing error. You should be able to find a solicitor who will do this for you for around £100. Hopefully after getting every checked over by a professional it should bring you peace of mind.

The process of doing the conveyance may seem to be long a labour intensive, but if you are dedicated enough and organised enough to do as much research as you can, any thing is possible. But it is important to remember to keep checking what you have done.


Nationwide Modular Homes - A Tradition of Excellence

Working together with Authorized Builders, Nationwide Modular Homes has developed a system to not only market, but build and finish its modular homes for a customer base which includes not only fourteen mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast states, but the District of Columbia as well.

Nationwide Modular Homes: The Landmark Multihome Collection

One area in which Nationwide Modular Homes has set itself apart from other modular home manufacturers is that of multi-family modular homes, which it has been producing since the company began in 1959. Nationwide will manufacture multi-family homes either from their own plans or to the specifications of builders, and their staff has the pricing and engineering expertise to not only draw up plans for multi-family modular home projects, but to see that they are approved by all pertinent agencies and the every builder has carefully calculated pricing projections. This pricing assistance is a significant help for builders when they are arranging their construction schedules.

Nationwide Modular Homes: The Landmark Multifamily Collection

Nationwide Modular Homes have developed multifamily homes to meet the need of every housing market, from apartments and townhouses to condominiums and even motels. Their Landmark Collection of multi-family modular homes all have been designed with the 2'X 10" floor joists and fire sheathing which meets the rating standards of the local municipal codes. Like all modular homes, Nationwide multi-family homes are manufactured as individual modules to be mounted of pre-poured foundations when they arrive at the construction site.

This efficient manufacturing process means that the multi-family home project builder need only oversee the pouring of the foundation and arrange for a crane to unload the modules onto it when they get to the site. The modules will already be equipped with plumbing, electrical wiring, insulation, and cutouts. The builder simply hires the few subcontractors needed to hook the units up to their water, electrical, and sewage lines, and to finish the unit interiors and exteriors.

The amount of labor actually needed to finish the units is only twenty percent of the of what is involved in constructing a traditional multi-family unit, so the builder has a drastically reduced construction time and will save significantly on the construction loan interest he pays.


Cupolas, Well Proportioned, Add Curb Appeal

The apparent serenity of the past is an oil spread by time. By Lloyd Frankenberg.

Serenity and beauty of the past-a cupola is designed to last, with character to capture the spirit of early American architecture. Placed in a prominent position, cupolas are a decorative architectural accent.

Often cupolas appear as smaller buildings perched on top of a building. When the cupola takes the form of a small, round Roman temple it is called a pavilion.

Designed for functionality, decoration and antique appeal, cupolas will beautify any structure. Cupolas add curb appeal with nostalgic remembrance of traditional Early American architecture.

When thinking of purchasing a cupola, one needs to be careful not to purchase without thought of size and the architectural style of the building it will be perched upon. One wants the cupola to add balance to create an asymmetrical appeal that gives your outside buildings to look there absolute bests.

Cupolas need to be sized proportionately to the building it will be placed on. The size of the cupola is determined by the height, length, and width of the building.

In selecting the right size for the building, a good rule of thumb is at least 1 inch of cupola base for every foot of unbroken horizontal roof line. Example: An unbroken roof line of 30 feet would require at least a 30 in cupola base.

If the building is higher than 1 story, it is recommended a larger cupola. It is also recommended to have a cupola larger when the roof is steep. A too small cupola could have the appearance of a bird house.

Cupola bases are designed to accommodate different roof pitches of the structures it will sit upon. The cupola straddles the roof much like a horse back rider straddles the back of a horse.

Window cupolas will appear smaller than the same sized louvered cupola on any building. Also, how the cupola looks when seen on the ground will change once placed on the roof. Therefore, it is important to measure appropriately.

If the building is greater than 100 feet long use multiple cupolas. A solution would be to have a large cupola in the middle with smaller ones at each end or place two cupolas one at each end.

A properly sealed dimensional and detailed cupola will add a finishing touch to both new construction and existing buildings.

Looking to update your exterior building without breaking the bank? Cupolas are a timeless masterpiece, a great way for adding curb appeal. Serenity and beauty of the past---a cupola is designed to last with functional performance and character of tradition to capture the spirit of early American architecture.

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Considerations of a New Life - Building Your Summer Home

The stresses of life are numerous and the opportunities to enjoy ourselves, our family, and our friends are precious. We are only afforded a few chances a year to truly be ourselves and rarely do we take notice and take advantage of these chances. Living in a city makes it painfully obvious that our freedoms are limited, our independence is conditional, and our peace of mind contingent on material realities, but these concerns which affect and dilute the living experience need only cloud the mind for eleven months out of the year. If you are considering an escape, or a place to relax, there is no more perfect sanctuary and vacation that a trip to a newly built summer dwelling. Consider the advantages of different locations when planning to build a new home away from home.

Maine, or as it is better known to families with summer houses on its pristine and secluded lakes, "the vacation state", is one of the prime pieces of real estate to consider when attempting to build new quarters in which to spend your summers. Maine has a relatively small population that is comparatively high in spirit and humor, and is home to all ages and professions of people from lobsterman and lumberjacks, to vacationers and writers. The great Stephen King at one point called Maine home, and used the peaceful state as the backdrop of many of his most famous stories. As a location to build a summer dwelling, Maine is optimal for the hardy individual who doesn't mind a little precipitation, has a love of outdoors and a love of company. As if these qualities weren't enough, Maine is home to arguably the best lobster in the world, an excellent treat for the vacationer spending time in the newly built home away from home.

On the opposite end of the climate spectrum, temperate New Orleans has become another ideal spot to build a new vacation residence. Partly due to the tragic events of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the price of land in New Orleans has dropped and now is an excellent time to consider building a house on the outskirts of this famous Louisiana city. One need not feel too terribly the pangs of guilt, as New Orleans locals welcome the opportunity to meet new neighbors and will be more than glad to indulge your desire to tour (and spend) in the Crescent City. However, building a new summer house in New Orleans should not be taken as an invitation to disrespect the culture and the history of the city. While the price of land in the South is historically low right now, the vibrancy and dignity of the people who have been affected by the dropping prices and disastrous misfortunes around the coastal region remains in tact, and should be taken at all times as deserving of the utmost respect and consideration.

While there is no perfect place to build a summer abode, the opportunities afforded by Maine and Louisiana provide ample chance for the perspective home-builder to find their niche, build a new house, and start to feel at home.


Owner Builder - Why Lot-Homesite Selection is the Most Important Decision in the Process!

Where you build your Dream Home is in many cases the most critical decision you can make when deciding where you are going to build your Dream Home! Many Owner Builders think they have it all figured out when it comes to lot/homesite selection but in my experience I have seen many get this wrong time and time again! In fact this topic is so important that I personally think you could never research this enough and the time invested in the process of deciding where to build your Dream Home is vitally important to the financial success of your Custom Dream Home project! After all what good does it do to have a Custom Dream Home that you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to build only to have that investment not grow in value over time because you picked the wrong community to build in!

So what things should you consider when researching where you should build your Dream Home.

#1. "Follow the Smart Money!"

Simply stated, this strategy is finding out what major developers are planning to do in the area! Are there are master planned communities in the vicinity that are either in the planning stages, under construction or currently seeking civic approval. This is vitally important as master planned communities are major contributors to value increase and land value appreciation due to the extensive research and resources they engage into a given area. A master planned community is a development that not only includes starter, move-up & estate homes within the development, they also include the plans for the schools (elementary, middle & high schools) as well as apartment complexes, commercial development like grocery stores, retail strip centers and quality of life amenities like parks, walking trails and entertainment facilities for the entire family.

#2. Build in or close to a Master-Planned community development.

As I stated above the developers for these master planned communities have spent hundred of thousands of dollars researching the area and it's viability and you can piggy-back off of that knowledge by building in or next to these master planned communities. Another benefit to this strategy is you get to take advantage of the HUGE cash investment the developers are making into the area as far as commercial development (malls, strip centers, gas stations, schools and hospitals). Fast access to these creature comforts have a dramatic impact on the popularity and potential appreciation of a given area.

#3. Exodus from Suburbia

A few years ago there was a really good documentary that was done by this name "Exodus from Suburbia" and in a nutshell it foretold what we have experienced in the last 6-9 months regarding gas prices here in America and the world for that matter! This documentary talked about how gas & energy prices would continue to rise and thereby force the population trends and migration to shift from the suburbs back to the inner city due to the cost of gas. I have personally watched this trend have a dramatic impact on Inner-city land prices here in Houston as I can recall lots in my old neighborhood that sold for as cheap as $5000 back in 2002-2003 are now selling for $35,000! The Inner-city areas of cities all around the country are undergoing a major renaissance and are definitely worthy of consideration.

#4. Do not buy too far ahead of the "curve!"

This strategy speaks to buying in new areas that are anticipating development that has not yet started! I have a client who I am working with right now and the waterfront lot they are buying costs $55k however the person they are buying the lot from paid $69k six years ago! So the person we are buying from in essence bought "too far ahead of the curve!" They bought several years in advance of this area really becoming popular and now many are selling for a loss! The reason this happens is because people do not perform adequate research to determine just how much is planned as opposed to how much has been approved and/or are presently under development.

You see when the land owner bought the lot six years ago for $69k, no major master planned communities were planned and there was no catalyst for the area becoming a popular destination. However 3 years later, a major developer purchased land in the area and announced a proposed community that over time manifested into what has become Houstons most expensive middle class community. So he had the right idea in purchasing in that area he just did not have the right timing and as a result of that he lost several thousand dollars.

Let me explain... see there are many "proposed" projects in a given area and it is good to make note of those projects but more importantly you want to be aware of the projects that have gone beyond proposed and are now approved and have begun construction. You see many proposed projects never get off the ground for a variety of reasons so you never want to invest your financial future and Custom Dream Home on something that is proposed that never gets off the ground. So when performing your due diligence, be sure to look at what projects are currently under construction and do not be afraid to pass on an area that seems too speculative.

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading this article as much as I have enjoyed sharing this valuable information with you. This is just a snippet of the information I share to my subscribers and I trust that you visit us and join with us, until the next time, I wish you the best with your Custom Dream Home project.


3 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Modular Home

Why Buy A Modular Home? To Save Money

The materials in a modular home are purchased at significant bulk rate discounts, which are passed along to you, and the assembly line method of module production saves huge amounts in labor costs when compared to on-site home construction. This can mean that the final price of your home will be many thousands of dollars less than the cost of a similar stick-built home.

The shaping and cutting of all the materials used in your home's modules is done by computer-controlled tools, meaning that waste is reduced to a minimum and the finished home will fit together with absolute precision. You'll have the most energy-efficient house possible, and will be reward with lower home hating and cooling bills as long as you live in it!

Why Buy A Modular Home? To Save Time

The assembly line methods used to build your home's modules mean that they can be completed, inspected, and ready for delivery to your building site in no more than five days. You'll know that all the materials in your home were kept clean and dry throughout the manufacturing process, so there won't be any waiting around for replacement of materials damaged by weather.

There also won't be any worries that your home might contain damp or warped lumber and drywall and that the pipes will eventually crack because they were exposed to extremes of heat and cold. Your home will be between 75% and 80% complete when it arrives at your site, and it's possible for a two-section modular home to be ready for its inhabitants in as little as tow weeks after delivery!

Compare the ninety days it takes form ordering your modular home to your move-in date with the six to twelve months it normally takes for a site built-home to be finishes, and you'll have another reason why you should buy a modular home.

Why Buy A Modular Home? For Its Quality

Most modular home are actually constructed to be stronger than their stick-built counterparts. These modular home are constructed from the floor joists up, and are engineered so that the homes actually become stronger as one module is affixed to the next with bonding adhesives, bolts, and nails. The exterior walls of modular homes contain 2' X 6' studs, as opposed to the 2' X 4's used in traditional home construction. Remember, the modules of your home have to be sturdy enough to withstand being crane lifted onto their shipping trailers and crane-lifted again form their trailers to their foundation, after a journey of what might be several hundred miles. Now that's STRONG!


Modular Homes - A Home Builder's Delight

Modular homes sections are constructed in climate-regulated manufacturing plants, allowing builders to eliminate the expensive delays they experience whenever the weather their building sites turns against them. The time it takes to have a modular home up and in move-in condition from the moment it is ordered can be as short as ninety days, and that kind of turnaround can mean savings which a builder can pass along to a customer. Being built inside and away from the weather also means that modular homes can be ordered at any time of the year.

Discounts On Materials

Another advantage modular homes offer for builder-developers is that their materials, both for the exterior, and the interior finishing materials and appliances, can be ordered in bulk lots, at significant discounts. Yet they will be equal in quality to any of the materials or appliances used in standard homes. This is another huge savings for the builder, and eventually for the customer.

Factory Site Quality Control

One often overlooked advantage of modular homes for builder-developers is that because a modular home is manufactured in a single factory, those who are building it will be subject to the same performance standards. The end result is a home of uniform quality throughout, and both the home builder and the future home owner will benefit from knowing that.


How about the fact that going modular allows a builder to tailor his home plans to his customers' specifications? This is a terrific advantage of modular homes for builder-developers because it gives the builder the flexibility to either draw up his own plans or order homes built to an individual buyer's request. Modular homes can be created in any architectural style, and a design plan can even be changed via computer if the customer comes up with a new idea.


Steps to Building a Home| New Home Building Tips